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Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of our customers and website users very seriously and take great care to protect your information.

Our Privacy Policy explains what information we collect about you, how we may use it, and some of the steps we take to ensure that it is kept secure. We also explain your rights and how to contact us.

Please note, this website may contain links to other websites which are provided for your convenience. We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of this site. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other website that you visit.

What information do we collect?

In order to provide you with services and to fulfill our legal obligations, we may collect personal information about you from our website, telephone conversations, emails and written and verbal communications. This can include your name, address, email address and telephone number. We will not hold your data any longer than is necessary to fulfill our obligations.

How will we use your information?

Any personal information you provide we will treated in accordance with current data protection legislation.

We will primarily use your personal information to provide our products and services to you. We may also use it

  • to meet our legal obligations
  • to improve the quality of our service
  • for internal market research
  • to track activity on our website

You may also opt in so that we can keep you updated of new products, services or special offers that may be of interest to you.

Disclosure of your information

In order to provide our products and services to you, we may need to appoint other organisations to perform some of the processing activities on our behalf. These may include, for example, production partners and delivery agents. In these circumstances we will ensure that your information is properly protected and that it is only used in accordance with this policy.

What to do if you do not want to receive details of offers

If you have Opted In and have changed your mind about being contacted by us, you can simply click the unsubscribe link in the email, or contact us, or via the My Account area of this web site.

Please note, if you choose to not receive information, we will be unable to keep you informed of new services, products, events or special offers that may interest you.

Use of your information outside the UK and the European Union

Some of the organisations to which we may disclose your personal information in order to fulfill your order may be situated outside of the European Union. In order to provide you with the products and services you require, we may need to transfer your personal information to these countries some of which do not have laws that protect privacy rights as extensively as in the EU and the United Kingdom. If we do transfer your personal information to other territories, we will take proper steps to ensure that your information is properly protected.

Security of information

We take the security of your personal information seriously. We do not have access to your credit card details and only use high quality encryption technology to guard your information. In addition, we have security procedures in place to protect our paper based systems and computerized databases from loss and misuse, and only allow access to them when it is absolutely necessary to do so, and then under strict guidelines as to what use may be made of the personal information contained within them.


We may monitor or record telephone calls for security purposes and to improve the quality of services that we provide to you.

Changes to this privacy policy

We aim to meet high standards and our policies and procedures are, therefore, constantly under review. From time to time we may change our security and privacy policies. Accordingly we recommend that you check this page periodically in order to review our current policies.

Updating and correcting information

You may correct your personal information by email or by changing your profile on our website. Please include your name, address and/or email address when you contact us as this helps us to ensure that we accept amendments only from the correct person. We encourage you to promptly update your personal information if it changes.

Your rights to access your personal information

You have the right to receive a copy of any personal information that we hold about you.

Lawful Basis for Processing Personal Data

This web site is operated by Media Storehouse. Media Storehouse is an online retailer offering print on demand services for a range of image contributors. Media Storehouse collects Personal Data for order fulfillment purposes and the delivery information is passed to select Authorised Third Parties for final fulfillment and shipping. As Media Storehouse ships globally it has written formal agreements with print production labs outside of the UK - including the USA, EU (Netherlands) and Australia – who can fulfill orders locally reducing shipping costs and lead times. Media Storehouse can also collect Personal Marketing Data for use by Media Storehouse only and is obtained by an informed Opt-In process that is compliant with current legislation (including GDPR).

Data Retention

It is our aim to automatically remove all Personal Data acquired during the Ordering process within 6 months. Personal Data includes Name, Email, Password, IP Address and any other data identified by legislation. For additional safety, emails (or other correspondence) that may contain personal information is removed within 12 months of receipt.

Exceptions to these include Personal Data required to meet our legal obligations, and where an individual has explicitly opted-in for the data to be retained – for example by registering a user account or giving informed consent for marketing emails. As a further safeguard unused user accounts may automatically expire after 2 years of inactivity.

Under their right to be forgotten, individuals can at any time request all their personal data be removed. This can be actioned by authorised support personnel or online by the person themselves via a simple tick box. In order to complete our obligations for Order Processing (including the handling of returned items etc.) this may not immediately affect Personal Data associated with a recent order. Any such Personal Data is automatically removed separately within 6 months of the order being placed. To aid after-sales support, beyond this 6 month period orders can still be identified by non-personal markers.

Use of Personal Data for Marketing

From April 2018 we have operated a clear Opt-In policy to obtain informed consent in order to retain contact information for the purposes of communications from Media Storehouse.

Only individuals who have given clear consent after April 2018 to receive such communication will be contacted by email for marketing and related purposes. At no time shall we pass personal data onto third parties for marketing or other non-processing related activities.

Individuals in the our database that were receiving emails from us prior to April 2018 have been contacted via their email address and given the opportunity to give informed opt-in consent to continue receiving emails. Any contacts who have not explicitly agreed to continue receiving emails will no longer be sent any email communications. In addition, after a reasonable period of time (and no longer than 6 months) all such accounts will be permanently removed from the system unless indicated otherwise (such as where a user account has been registered).

Personal Data Storage

We retain Personal Data in double encrypted database tables, with passwords having secure additional one-way encryption prior to storage. Media Storehouse production servers and data are currently located within the United Kingdom. We have upgraded all web sites under its control to HTTPS in order to benefit from secure encryption.

All sites and all payment pages are fully HTTPS compliant. There remains a small number of third party web sites operated by Media Storehouse which still use HTTP since their domains are not under the direct control of Media Storehouse. We are upgrading those as soon as the domain owner grants the permissions needed to obtain a Secure Certificate. Regardless of domain status, all of our sites will only request payment information via secure HTTPS.

Furthermore, we do not retain any payment card data. All financial transactions are handled by secure proven third party financial services over a high level encrypted channel. These currently include Stripe, Braintree and PayPal.

Data Flow

We securely collects the minimal Personal Data needed in order to fulfill orders placed online or via telephone. This data is held in secure servers located within the United Kingdom.

For order fulfillment the Delivery Name and Address is passed to an approved Production Partner with whom we have a formal contract, both for production and for their handling of any Personal Data supplied by ourselves.

Once an order is produced it is shipped by an approved shipping agent to the requested destination address.

Unless otherwise required, by default all Personal Data associated with an order is automatically removed after 6 months. In addition, all correspondence that may contain Personal Data (including the general support and sales email accounts) is deleted after 12 months.


Consent to retain Personal Data can be granted by an individual choosing to do either of the following during the ordering or registration process;

(a) register an account and supply an acceptable password

(b) give informed opt-in consent to receive updates

Consent can be withdrawn at any time either via a simply Tick Box in the My Account area or by contacting Media Storehouse, including simply requesting by reply to emails sent from Media Storehouse.

Rectification and Data Quality

All Personal Data held by Media Storehouse can be amended at any time from the My Account area of the web site or by contacting Media Storehouse, including simply replying to any Order or Marketing Update email sent by Media Storehouse.

Data Erasure and Retention

All Personal Data held by Media Storehouse Consent can be removed at any time from the My Account area of the web site or by contacting Media Storehouse, including simply replying to any Order or Marketing Update email sent by Media Storehouse. In order to meet our obligations regarding order fulfillment and possible returns handling, Personal Data needed to fulfill an order is normally retained for up to 6 months regardless of Data Erasure Requests.

By default, all Personal Data related to an order is removed after 6 months and all correspondence (including emails) removed after 12 months.

Right to Object

If an individual objects to our handling of their data they can log their objection via our Web Site Feedback Page, Electronic Mail or Physical Post to our published address. They can also use any of our other communications channels including social media to contact us. We aim to respond to all such inquires within 2 working days and to have a formal response within 30 days.

Automated Decision Making and Profiling

Media Storehouse does not perform any automated decision making or profiling. Personal Data is used purely for order delivery and, if opted in, email updates.

Information from Single Sign On (SSO) authentication services

If you decide to register for an account (or access your account) through an authentication service (such as Google or Facebook), we may collect your name and email address from these third-party services, consistent with your privacy settings in your account with the relevant Authentication Service. This is just so you can personalize your new account and we can send you invoices, updates, or other essential information. We won't use your name in marketing statements without your explicit permission either.

Payment Services

We use Stripe for payment, analytics, and other business services. Stripe collects identifying information about the devices that connect to its services. Stripe uses this information to operate and improve the services it provides to us, including for fraud detection. You can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at

Cookies and this website

"Cookies" are small text files that are placed on your computer or phone by your web browser at the request of the websites that you visit. Cookies are used to make websites work more efficiently or more conveniently, as well as provide information to the site's operators.

This site may set some or all of the following cookies:

Strictly Necessary cookies

Strictly necessary cookies allow core website functionality such as user login and account management. The website cannot be used properly without strictly necessary cookies.

Cookie key Cookie type Expiration Description
_msh_ref First-party 2 days Used by Media Storehouse solely to remember if you have already visited this site recently.
_msh_session First-party 12 hours Media Storehouse main cookie to remember choices made during a session. If the Functionality Cookies option is not selected then this cookie will automatically expire at the end of the session .
AWSALB First-party 7 days These cookies enable us to allocate server traffic to make the user experience as smooth as possible. A so-called load balancer is used to determine which server currently has the best availability. The information generated cannot identify you as an individual.
AWSALBCORS First-party 7 days For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, we are creating additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB).
First-party 1 month This cookie is used to remember visitor cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for the cookie banner to work properly. This cookie name could be either CookieScriptConsent or cookie_consent_level
__cf_bm Third-party 30 minutes cookie used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies are used to see how visitors use the website, eg. analytics cookies. Those cookies cannot be used to directly identify a certain visitor.

Cookie key Cookie type Expiration Description
_ga First-party 2 years This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports.
_ga_xxxxxxxxxx First-party 2 years This cookie is used by Google Analytics to persist session state.
__kla_id First-party 2 years Tracks when someone clicks through a Klaviyo email to your website
FPAU First-party 90 Days Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for Google Analytics reporting.
FPID First-party 2 years Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for Google Analytics reporting.
FPLC First-party 20 Hours Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for Google Analytics reporting.

Targeting cookies

Targeting cookies are used to identify visitors between different websites, eg. content partners, banner networks. Those cookies may be used by companies to build a profile of visitor interests or show relevant ads on other websites.

Cookie key Cookie type Expiration Description
_gcl_au First-party 3 months Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
IDE Third-party 1 year This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.

Functionality cookies

Functionality cookies are used to remember visitor information on the website, eg. language, timezone, enhanced content.

Cookie key Cookie type Expiration Description
_msh_cart First-party 1 month Used by Media Storehouse to remember shopping cart contents allowing time to consider potential purchases
_msh_remember First-party 7 days Used by Media Storehouse purely to hold the Remember Me choice during the Sign In process
_msh_wishlist First-party 1 year Used by Media Storehouse to remember any items you have added to your Wishlist

How to contact us

If you would like any further information or have any comments about our privacy policy or any other aspect of our website or service, please contact our Data Protection Officer at our normal address.